This book has been written with the goal of living life in a way that the ceiling of each generation will be the floor for the next to build on. As we grow and learn to walk closer to the Lord we are continuously changed into His image, and the mistakes we make become lessons for those coming after us to learn from so that those pitfalls and errors aren’t replicated by our children, both physical as well as spiritual. We are called to honor our fathers and mothers so that it will go well for us. One way we do this is to learn from both their lessons as well as their mistakes and resolve not only do it better, but to teach our children to take what we’ve learned and do even better than us!
So often generations just continue to live in the broken-down shambles of a house that fell apart generations ago, unaware that life can be different and that they can be the starting point for a whole new family tree characterized by Righteousness, Joy and Peace. Most people have begun and continued to live their entire lives with neither the tools nor the knowledge to build a new home for those who will come after them. Not only is it possible, but one of our most basic callings is to lay a foundation sturdy enough to build generation after generation upon. This book has been written not only to announce that it can be done but to also highlight truths and lessons about how to do it!